Friday, January 14, 2011

Stuck Up

Once my sister told me that her friend told me that her sister (who I shared a high school class with) told her that I was stuck-up. Stuck-up?!? That alarmed me. I did not see myself like that at all! I LOVE people --- thoroughly love people and discovering what makes one unique. Yet, people intimidate me --- so much so that I can't mentally function sometimes. My mind goes blank. Black. Empty. I want to disappear when the spotlight turns on me. Call it shy, if you will, but "Stuck-up"!?!?!?

If "Stuck Up?" means "feelings are 'stuck up' inside," then, yes, that describes me. But, as for feeling superior to you, just know, I am most likely seeing you with admiration and I haven't figured how to let you know.

Sunday "Anxious Me" automatically set in when I was asked to set up and present a meeting.

I wanted to make sure I did not stray from the church handbook on nursery structure and emphasize what we hoped for for this new year in the nursery. I discovered items I should have been on top of but have been slacking because I never read the information myself. I spent a good part of 2 days putting together a short outline about why we would like a small lesson given in our ward nursery each week. I love the sister called as the nursery leader and did not want to hurt her feelings the slightest bit even though I also felt strongly that lessons should be given and the Spirit should be felt by the children --- she doesn't feel that way.

As I finished my preparations, I contemplated how to begin the meeting (because, if I didn't, I was afraid I would freeze up and come across as being ill-prepared and stupid) I realized all attending are people I love and mean a great deal to me. I began to consider why:

When Eli and I moved our small family here the now nursery leader was the first to introduce herself to us. She gave us a store bought cake and a signed card when she stopped by. The cake tasted awful and had to be thrown out, the gesture, however, was greatly appreciated. Since then we have become really good friends and we share a number of interests that we love to share information on. We sometimes joke about how I bake her bread and bring over my newly discovered and tried healthy recipes for her to sample and in exchange she dumps a pile of llama ___ "stuff" out behind our fence (for my garden). She is who we have called for years now to take care of our home and animals when we are away. She is always happy to do it and does a great job too. She is always helping us out. She is a great example of service and is a hard worker. She is generous with her compliments. She's kind of motherly to us too and I like it. She loves our kids. She makes me feel good.

The primary assistant's voice (also the stake primary president) radiates happiness. Her stories are amusing, her laughter, sunshine. We share a few things in common, like adoption and PCOS. Although, we don't sit down and have long, in depth talks together, she notices me. That's enough for me. I love this lady. I love her children too. When I taught Sunbeams (four beautiful little princesses) her youngest was one of them. Her husband (also a primary assistant) would be at the meeting too. He is our home teacher. He's very quiet so harder to get to know. But, I have discovered he is full of kindness.

The primary president, I love this lady and didn't want the meeting to let her down. She can talk a lot, but, I enjoy every minute of it. The way she has taken to my children reminds me of my mother-in-law. She adores them and she thinks Eli and I do a great job as parents. I don't know how to express how truly I appreciate that. Her whole family has been amazing to us. Her husband has spent countless hours sharing his talents and skills on our home remodel and all he would take from us was a couple banana cream pies. I wish I knew something I could do to repay him, but instead, we asked their daughter to babysit and their son to house sit... I worry about taking so much. There has to be some way to serve them!

How would you express all that? (and don't be mushy!)

More expressionless emotions: I shared a year of similar trying experiences with another young mom and grew to love her. One day she announces her intentions to move away. I freeze inside. I feel the tears but they are not visible until I get home. I learn nothing because yet again, another dear, dear friend I have come to know and adore tells me she's moving. Huge tears pour behind my eyes but again never wet my cheeks until I find myself alone. A friend's husband dies and I feel my own heart will break for her, but all I can do is gather enough courage to wrap my arms lightly around her, still my eyes remain dry. Another friend steals money from my family and all I want to do is forgive her and help her sorrow go away by talking about it, but my voice fails me, it sounds so insincere. My BEST-friend in junior high is dying and I cannot give her comfort. A selfless angel places her two precious babies in Eli's and my arms as she tells them good-bye. So many emotions all at once that, try as I might, I cannot even begin to form words in my mind. Her tears fall but I cannot express, I cannot speak, I finally turn and leave her without a word.

"Stuck up?"

If I could share these feelings, would people like me better? Would it take away my "stuck up"ness, or, is it a different part of my personality that says "stuck up"?

Now that I have children, I make an incredible effort to open my mouth more. Even if I say stupid things, I have to start somewhere or I'll never learn... It is my responsibility to teach them social skills (of which I blamed my parents for not teaching me --- yet, I no longer hold it over them). So, I talk --- sometimes it comes out all wrong! I insult those I want most to be my friends, it seems I don't even know I do it. I want to share happy experiences/stories... but from my lips I hear bragging and wince inside. I try to share my struggles but it comes out as poor me and I mentally kick myself. I try to share information I have learned and am excited about... I'm finally beginning to see that this almost always comes out like I'm judging them. Listening is really what I do best. I was ok with that, but, now I want a VOICE too, and that seems to be when I do damage. Expressed thoughts become an invitation for me to discuss my similar and/or differing opinions, but I'm beginning to see that people seem to think that I'm saying they're wrong when I don't agree. I'm not! (I need to learn a new approach!)

As for the meeting, once again I said NOTHING. No intro, no gratitude for their service, no welcome. Nothing. I do this all the time and I hate myself for it. I want to express genuine love and gratitude... but these are so intense that when I try, it comes out --- LAME. So, I don't. I went through my prepared material quickly. I did remember to stop for input a few times. I felt it went well enough coming from me. But it sounds like I went a little further that she had asked. I don't know if that is good or bad, she said it was great, but I wish I had taken an even more casual approach. I wish I had done it differently, like someone else would have. But what's done is done now and they will judge me as they will.

As you will.


  1. Oh my sweet friend Corinne! I L.O.V.E. this post. I love that you gave words to what you are feeling. I have to say... even though I have been blessed to know you since we were 5, I would never have thought of you as "stuck up"... except maybe the emotional blockage kind you refered to. I too feel MANY of these same emotions! You get my typing or writting, and I can express myself... you ask me to speak improptu or off the hip... forget it. (((HUGS)))
    I just love you! I do! And I wanted you to know that! And I am thankful to have you as my friend! Love, Heather

  2. Corinne you Rock! I'm glad to hear there is somebody in Nursery! Also I thought you should know, that stuck up is code for beautiful and quite, while shy is code for not as pretty and quite. Once I learned this I had to start being a talker because I didn't want to be SHY anymore :) Although I've never been good with emotions.

  3. Corinne, Im so glad you decided to post your real feelings. I'm sure there are so many people out there that don't know the real you. Now that you got all of this out there... don't be afraid to tell people how you really feel. Most of the time, people need to hear it and if its said with the right spirit, they will accept and appreciate it.

  4. Corrine, I think this is the most emotion I have ever seen from you...It's great! Thank you so much for sharing. I think you over think things. You're so worried about how it will sound coming out of you're mouth or over think how the other person might respond that you don't say it at all. You hold it all in and carry it with you like a 50 lbs weight. That's not healthy! I did that for so many years. I'd spend hours lying in bed worrying about all that was weighing on me. I've spent alot of time crying by myself to just get emotions out of me that were so built up they burst out in tears. Then I realized that I count, I do matter. What I say, what I know, my experiences are important and can help others. It helped me realize that I wasn't alone in some of my thoughts, opinions, feelings, and cares. Feeling and expressing your emotions or thoughts, is not a bad thing. Yes, it can back fire on us sometimes, but it's a learning process. We learn who to share with and what to share to help release what we are going through. Sometimes sharing can bring us the most important people in our lives. No one can handle it all alone. We're not meant to. I know you're anything but Stuck Up, just quiet and reserved. I find those great qualities. I think I need to be more reserved sometimes, but it's all about moderation. How much, how often, to who... You are so cherish and so cared about by so many people. Stop over thinking it all! It also sound like you need to have a good, exhausting cry too. Do it over a large bowl (bucket) of ice cream and a kleenex box. And make sure you have some advil for the headache after ;) Trust me a good cry it feels sooooo good!
